I also came up with my T-shirt ideas. I want them to be based around helping the environment, i.e. - tree-hugging and riding your bike instead of driving a car. Thennn when I got home tonight (after finishing the owl at The Grove) I was in a lot of pain in my lower back left side from however it is I sit while sewing. I vowed to never sew dolls again. And then I thought of the perfect idea when I ran across my Princess Mononoke fur left-overs. And consequently, the sketches arrived, and I started cutting it up and.. YES, SEWING. And YES my back hurts again. I may need to hire someone to sew my ideas haha. Anyhow, it's 4am and I'm pooooped.
Rough breakdown:

hehe--I love the doll. And in reading your other comments about the doll, you can buy stuffing at a craft store. I've made a few dolls in my time, and there is definitely a better alternative to cotton balls. :P
Bastien looks like a cute little Paris boy :P Especially with the short pants--that is definitely the thing over in Europe.
The vampire bear--kinda strange. haha but, okey dokey.
I like the t-shirt designs. I'm interested to see the coloring for them. :)
Hey Ally, you can buy stuffing at some craft stores but check quilting/fabric stores. They definitely have stuffing that's specifically for dolls. :)
This stuff looks so kick-ass, Tanith! The dool is amazing - did you design that? That's so awesome! I like the shirt designs, too! Thanks to all the bullshit of the weekend, I haven't gotten much done on my end (I'm sorry!) - but I'm going to get my rear in gear and produce some sketches myself. I need to get my head settled, I suppose...but this stuff looks so great! I'm inspired! :D
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