I've been going fast to get this piece done tonight to print for Emerald City Comicon this weekend, and I'm pretty happy with the way it's turned out! There was one element I left out because I didn't have time to finish it, but eh, maybe I'll add it when I get back and have "free-time" or something.
Hellboy is probably my favorite comic. I'm not the hugest fan of super hero comics mainly because of the art styles, but HB is done so well, and I admire Mike Mignola so much that I just can't stop staring at the pages. Plus, Hellboy and Abe are two of the most likable super heroes. Anyhoo, this is mostly based off of the second Hellboy film, Rise of the Golden Army. Liz is great too because she's super sassy and not stereotypical at all of female characters in comic movies. And besides, I think Hellboy and Liz are adorable in the movies!